

Starring: Jesse Eisenberg, Imogen Poots, Jonathan Aris, Olga Wehrly, Eanna Hardwicke
Director: Lorcan Finnegan
Writer: Lorcan Finnegan, Garret Shanley
In Theaters: March 27, 2020
Runtime: 97 min
Vivarium 6.4

A young couple, Tom and Gemma, dream about buying their first home. During their search, they come across a sales agent, Martin, who seems a bit strange but offers them the opportunity to see an affordable house, #9, in an amazing new development known as Yonder.

In Yonder, the houses, lawns and layout are identical to the point of creepiness. The development itself is completely silent with no evidence of anyone else occupying it.

Tom and Gemma leave the home showing feeling like the place is definitely not for them. As they watch Martin disappear in the rear-view mirror, they know utter relief.

Yet, Yonder isn’t done with them.

They become lost in the maze of roads and eventually find their way back to #9.

No matter what path they take, they always return to it.

When food and other supplies appear out of nowhere, they realize that they’ve been sucked into a trap. Now they must find out who is behind their imprisonment and how to escape.

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