Jessica Jones Season 3 Confirmed by Netflix


The new season of Jessica Jones has been a hit with critics. We praised the show for its willingness to step out of the shadow of its excellent first season, and how it shows genuine growth for Jessica, Trish Walker, Malcolm, Jeri Hogarth, and others. But the big question is: will Jessica Jones Season 3 happen?

Yes it will. This is good to know because Jessica Jones Season 3 was never a sure thing, as nothing should be taken for granted with any Netflix show, let alone a Marvel one. For example, Krysten Ritter recently said that it doesn’t look like The Defenders Season 2 will happen, for example.

That brings us to the next big question…

Jessica Jones Season 3 Release Date

When will we see Jessica Jones Season 3? We’re still going to have to wait a while. Krysten Ritter shot The Defenders and the second season of JJ back to back, and she could probably use a few months off from the character. We’ll see second seasons of The Punisher, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist, as well as the third season of Daredevil before we get Jessica back. 

We’ll conservatively estimate Jessica Jones Season 3 to arrive in November 2019, which would give Marvel and Netflix time to clear the decks of all those other shows. We’ll update this as soon as there’s any kind of official confirmation.

Jessica Jones Season 3 Story

We have our own ideas of what shape Jessica Jones Season 3 might take. We detailed all of them right here.

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